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Physical Features

To look at me, I look no different from any other woman.

The main apparent difference to my peers is my height. I have always been one of, if not the tallest in my classes at school. I always used to stoop so I didn't stick out too much and stayed invisible. Now, I embrace my height although I do have to bend down at parties to hear the murmurs of conversation beneath me.

I have small feet in comparison to my height. This and the hypotonia (weak muscle tone) in my ankles has not helped with balance but it does mean I get to shop in the average-sized-people shops- buying trousers is another (expensive) story.

My weight fluctuates. Due to recurring sickness: I suffer from abdominal migraines, at times I may be quite slim but generally I 'podge' out and can look and feel a bit bulky.

I have curly toes and the tip of my little 'pinky' finger curves inwards. My hands are quite bendy too- a party trick :)

I think I do have a small head circumference, my eyes are slightly more widely set apart and my nose has a chubby look that is common in triple x girls.

I have had my fair share of dental problems: I had braces in my late teens but I try to keep them in good nick to prevent any other tortures.

My 'default face' ie when I'm in thought or in a day-dream is a look of worry: wide-eyed and anxious. People constantly ask 'are you ok?', 'are you feeling ill?' all the time! I'm usually just wondering what to have for dinner or have just literally glazed over for a bit. I tend to have moments of complete blankness like all my senses have switched off and I'm nowhere for a moment.

Lastly although not really a physical feature, but a noticeable trait is that I am super clumsy. Everything I touch falls, breaks, flies through the air...At the 'time of the month' this clumsiness is increased and I'll be more aware and more frustrated by it (thanks, hormones!) My hand-eye co-ordination and fine motor are good, but I do have hypotonia in my hands which could contribute to the clumsiness.

All these little things, make me me.

I like having these triple x quirks that are only really apparent in the triple x community. It's like a secret. It makes me feel even more unique. Everyone dresses and looks the same these days- it's better to be different!

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