A glimpse of Life with an extra X Chromosome

About my blog
You're here because you want to learn more about Trisomy X Syndrome. Perhaps your a parent, teacher, carer, medical professional or like me, have been diagnosed with having 3 X chromosomes. This blog is a place where I will write all the things I have had to find out and understand about myself through living with Triple X. There is hardly any concrete, useful information out there and my parent's have felt failed by the geneticists and professionals who gave them little info and hope before and after I was born. So I'm here to share my experiences with you.

About Me
I am a 20-something woman who has a job, can drive, has hobbies and lives pretty much independently (I live next door to my parents). I have mosaic Triple X Syndrome- about 60% of my cells are affected. This is a blessing and a curse. I feel I have some maturity which has helped me to regain control of myself in the darkest of times. It has made me aware and able to speak out about my difficulties. However to you, I look/ appear no different to the average woman; on paper I could take on the world. It is the inside that affects me to a greater degree. It's all hidden so my main struggle is being understood and accepted for who I really am.
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