What is Triple X Syndrome?
Also known as: Trisomy X Syndrome, 47XXX, Super Female Syndrome,
The X and Y sex chromosomes in the human body determines the gender of a person. Males are usually born with one X and one Y (46,XY). Females are usually born with two X chromosomes (46,XX in total).
Triple X Syndrome is the presence of an extra X chromosome. Some females (like me) are born with 3 X chromosomes (47,XXX).

How does this affect the person?
Well by reading my blog you'll be able to get a good idea! But in a nutshell:
Your average generic definition of being (46,XX) 'female' is being: sensitive, emotional, sensual, feisty beings. So imagine all these personality traits heightened to a more extreme level. I have an extra dose of femininity. I am highly emotional, very sensitive to everything; I find it hard to get over trivial things, since a young child I have always been drawn to overly sexual fantasies (for my age) and I don't know when to shut my mouth!
Where can I get more Info other than this blog?
More info:
A lot of the documentation is quite generalised and difficult to tease out what relates to the individual. There is a really useful Triple X pdf file on Unique's rarechromo site. Triple X is not a disease so the second site's weblink is a little mis-leading but still has useful info included.
Support Groups:
These are your best bet for primary research from parents living with offspring and/or the individual themselves. Some groups are secret or closed for privacy purposes but they are all invaluable resources.
Please feel free to contact me at trisomygrace@yahoo.com I'm happy to answer any further questions that I may not have written about yet.