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Triple X Parent View: Baby to Early Childhood.

Today I asked my mum about my development from a baby to early childhood. Here is what she said.

Before Birth

My Mum had me when she was 39 so there was a greater chance of complications. At approx 4 1/2 months into the pregnancy an amniocentesis test had shown that I carried a 3rd X chromosome in 60% of my cells- Triple X Syndrome Mosaicism. A geneticist advised my parents of certain problems and features that I might experience in life but 'being a close family we were confident that this much wanted 2nd baby would thrive in the environment we provided for her and her sister.' (My older sister does not carry an extra chromosome).

I was born overdue like my sister and the birth was induced. I was just too comfy and apparently through birth, I kept falling asleep!


I was an extremely placid and 'easy' baby. 'She fed (breastfeeding) brilliantly and just luxuriated in being held close and cuddled. She slept between feeds and was utterly content and loving.' (I am still a very tactile person.)

When I was woken from sleep suddenly, I would cry and have stomach aches. When I wake from sleep now I often awake feeling sick.

'At about 4 months I introduced 'solids' but she was not interested unless the food were a dessert'. Savoury tastes were rejected. At 9 months of age I changed from breastfeeding to formula milk in a bottle. She never took more than 4 ounces of milk. This was a bit of a worry as the solids were not very successful but her weight and health seemed ok'. I still find large meals difficult to finish.

I had no teeth by my 1st birthday. Then 8 came through together in the next few weeks. 'Because of the triple X diagnosis we had regular checks from GP and Health visitors mostly in her 1st years things such as sitting up occurred at the expected time.'

Babies, even before standing ability develops- thrust out their legs but mine dangled floppily. Up until I was learning to walk, my legs dangled when I was held up and in the bath I never kicked the water but let my legs flop out in front of me.


'By now she enjoyed her playpen and it was noticeable when we attended Mother & Baby groups that she would simply watch the other toddlers and toys but not participate. Whilst other Mum's congratulated us on having such a 'good' baby, I felt this was a situation we should not allow to continue indefinitely. At Toddler group she would only 'play' with me and not venture from my side.'

I did not crawl but bottom-shuffled my way around. 'When she got herself to her feet it was clear that her feet and ankles appeared to fall in and were too weak to walk on, because the chromosomal problem was so well documented she was immediately given physiotherapy and custom made support boots to help her walk. At this time her left leg had a slight drag. However once she was able to practice walking these problems were rectified.'.

'It was interesting as a toddler she had very good manual dexterity and held a pencil or manipulated toys very competently.


My name was down for a place at the new nursery class at my sister's school however when september came around I was not toilet trained. Staff were aware of the Triple X and were keen for me to take up a place in the coming Januaury if I did mornings. They felt I would benefit from the nursery environment and it would help with the toilet training. This in fact happened and during February half term I made the trasition from nappies to toilet- and never looked back!

At nursery I continued my 'non-participatory stance and was not happy. Her withdrawn attitude kept her apart and photos show a very insecure body language. She did not eat her lunch and was very clingy to me. A problem with vaginal adhesions caused an after-leakage of urine following using the toilet and she occasionally came home wearing borrowed underwear. All in all she was not a happy or settled little girl. Some members of staff found her difficult. Being at home with Mum was what she really wanted.'


I moved up to Reception Class with some of my peers from nursery but there were new faces too. 'She found the daily routine very perplexing. She could not manage to eat the compulsory school lunch and she could not 'mix'.' It was as if I was detached from the outside world around me.

'At parents's evening during that first term her teacher raised concerns that she was very isolated. Her reading was not taking off and she was withdrawn and losing weight. The teachers knew us as a family because of our older daughter and were concerned.'

'School broke up for xmas on Friday 16 Dec and during the night of the 17th/18th Dec she was very sick. This happened on a weekly basis and on Jan 11th she had to be collected from school because she had been sick again. This was the start of a horrible health condition which continues to this day (which has been since diagnosed as Abdominal Migraines).


I hope this is useful especially for mothers (and mothers to-be!) If there is any more you would like to know, I can do more blog posts from my parents or please email me and I can pass the question on!

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